Time Conversions: Years, Months, Weeks, Days

Question 1
How many days are in 4 weeks and 4 days? 30 days31 days32 days33 days

Question 2
Luke did not sleep for 55 hours. How many days and hours did Luke go without sleeping? 2 days and 5 hours2 days and 7 hours2 days and 9 hours2 days and 12 hours

Question 3
How many months are there in 3 years and 4 months? 30 months34 months36 months40 months

Question 4
course Richard was taking a 24 months course. After how many years will she complete her course? 2 years3 years4 years5 years

Question 5
149 hours = days hours 6 days6 days 5 hours6 days 9 hours6 days 15 hours

Question 6
Approximately how many weeks are there in 3 months and 3 weeks? 12 weeks13 weeks14 weeks15 weeks

Question 7
bridge A bridge was constructed in half a year. About how many weeks did the construction work take? 12 weeks20 weeks26 weeks52 weeks

Question 8
Convert the given months into years and months.
87 months 7 years 3 months7 years 5 months7 years 7 months7 years 9 months

Question 9
ship A ship would take 112 weeks to travel around the world. About how many years and weeks would the ship take to travel? 2 years and 1 week2 years and 5 weeks2 years and 8 weeks2 years and 10 weeks

Question 10
holidays Gloria had taken holidays for a 7 weeks vacation. About how long was her vacation in months and weeks? 1 month1 month and 3 weeks1 month and 4 weeks1 month and 5 weeks


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